Strollers on Bus


Children in strollers are welcome on the DC Circulator. Strollers not carrying a child cannot be accommodated. Please adhere to the following guidelines regarding priority seating and stroller sizes. Due to space, we must limit open strollers to two at a time on each bus.


There are three categories of priority groups for the accessible seating area.

  • First priority: People using wheelchairs and motorized mobility aids
  • Second Priority: Persons with disabilities, seniors and people with walkers
  • Third priority: Children in strollers – up to two at a time on each bus.

All other passengers are asked to allow riders within these categories use of the accessible seating area first. We rank priority seating to accommodate individuals using wheelchairs or scooters who are unable to stand and fold their equipment.



  • The maximum size for a stroller is 48” long by 24” wide. Strollers larger than 48×24, such as most jogging strollers, will not be allowed on buses. The DC Circulator does not allow play buggies such as plastic pull-along cars or wagon carts at any time.
  • The bus driver has complete discretion to operate the bus in a safe manner. If the driver thinks that the stroller is compromising the safety of passengers, he or she may direct the passenger to move the stroller to a safe location or to fold the stroller.



  • You may request that the driver kneel the bus or that the ramp be deployed to make boarding the bus easier. Remember, you may still be required to collapse your stroller once on board. Please always let passengers exit first.
  • When space permits, children may remain in a stroller. Keep strollers out of the aisle and lock the wheels. Hold on to your stroller at all times.
  • If you take your child out of the stroller, please fold the stroller to avoid taking up more seats than necessary.
  • When the bus approaches your stop let the driver know that you will be getting off with a child and stroller.
  • To avoid tipping your child out of the stroller, board the bus forward and leave the bus backwards.